Remedial English X Bab 5: Announcement
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Mighty River Short Story Contest
Deadline December 10, 2019
About the contest:
We're searching for the best short story relating in some way to the Mississippi River, the River Valley, or a sister River: its landscape, people, culture, history, current events, or future.
Semi-finalists will be chosen by a regional team of published writers. The final manuscript will be chosen by Susan Swartwout, publisher of Southeast Missouri University Press.
Winner receives an award of $500 and publication in Big Muddy: A Journal of the Mississippi River Valley.
Winner will be announced December 15, 2019.
Mail manuscripts to:
MRSS Contest, Southeast Missouri University Press MS 2650, One University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Deadline December 10, 2019
About the contest:
We're searching for the best short story relating in some way to the Mississippi River, the River Valley, or a sister River: its landscape, people, culture, history, current events, or future.
Semi-finalists will be chosen by a regional team of published writers. The final manuscript will be chosen by Susan Swartwout, publisher of Southeast Missouri University Press.
Winner receives an award of $500 and publication in Big Muddy: A Journal of the Mississippi River Valley.
Winner will be announced December 15, 2019.
Mail manuscripts to:
MRSS Contest, Southeast Missouri University Press MS 2650, One University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
1. What is the announcement about?
A. Regional publishers
B. The deadline of a contest
C. Short story contest
D. Some rivers in Mississippi
E. University registration
2. When will be the end to send the manuscript?
A. December 10, 2019
B. December 15, 2019
C. Southeast Missouri State University Press
D. University Plaza Cape Girardeau
E. Next month
3. Southeast Missouri University Press MS 2650, One University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 is the address of …
A. Participants
B. Committee
C. Winner
D. Publisher
E. Sender
4. We can write our manuscript in several themes, except …
A. landscape
B. people
C. crimes
D. history
E. current events
5. Who will choose the semi-finalist?
A. Mississipi
B. Susan Swarwout
C. University Press
D. Regional team
E. Team of University
6. Who will choose the final manuscript?
A. Mississipi
B. Susan Swarwout
C. University Press
D. Regional team
E. Team of University
7. What will you do if you want to follow the contest?
A. Send the manuscript
B. Contact Susan Swarwout
C. Go to Missouri University Press
D. Travel to Mississipi River
E. Mississipi River Bank
8. When will the winner be announced?
A. December 10, 2019
B. December 15, 2019
C. Southeast Missouri State University Press
D. University Plaza Cape Girardeau
E. Universities
9. What is the prize?
A. Journal of the Mississippi River Valley
B. Only an award of $500
C. only a publication in journal
D. an award $500 and publication
E. Study at university
10. How can we send our manuscript?
A. by university.
B. by yourself.
C. by email.
D. by post.
E. by courier.
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- Nilai akan keluar dan disimpan di Google Spreadheet. Anda bisa melihatnya di link yang telah disediakan.
- Ujian ini bisa dilakukan lebih dari sekali.
Berdoalah dan selamat mengerjakan
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